
Pretty hard for some 1s and 0s

A project log for Music32-V2 - Portable music player

Recreating the ipod with Bluetooth and an SD card slot, without losing the headphone jack

nicNic 09/10/2023 at 03:310 Comments

Software is always the most difficult part of a project for me as my coding skills are not the best. After a lot of figuring things out I have it displaying the file name from the sd card and playing it using arduino audio tools player class. 

Ive also combined it with my menu code, here it is playing a 1khz test tone from the sd card

Now comes the problems, I have no idea how to display all the filenames in a list. Ive tried it with the SD library for Arduino but it only gave parts of the filenames. I couldn't get sdfat to initialise the SD card either. Another issue is that anytime you refresh the display it will interrupt the audio playback. Im trying to get the audio working on one core and the display checks on the other core but it just doesn't work, at the end of the day they are both sharing the same SPI bus. It will either not work at all or the audio playback will be interrupted by display updates.

 Ive optimised the display code and adjusted the audio buffers but can't get it to work nicely together. So i'm stuck here for now until I can find a solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
