
1. Introduction

A project log for Homemade Spectrometer

Open source experiment kit made with the AS7262 (six colors) and AS7263 (near infrared) spectral sensors and the Raspberry Pi

guillermo-perez-guillenGuillermo Perez Guillen 09/10/2023 at 02:330 Comments


I assume you already have basic knowledge of optics. Optics is the study of light. Optics describes how light is created and how it travels. An important part of optics is the study of what happens when light hits different surfaces. When light hits a surface, it may be reflected, refracted, or absorbed.


Spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the interaction of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) radiation with a material and has an impact on a wide field of science and technology.  Spectrophotometry uses photometers, known as spectrometers, that can measure the intensity of a light beam at different wavelengths. 

Types of spectrometers:
