
Possible ways forward!

A project log for Galaxy6D: simple DIY full 6D space mouse

Full 6D mouse by three 3D magnetic sensors and magnets. 3D printed housing, ESP32S with battery operation over BLE as well as USB-C.

bastelbausBastelBaus 11/07/2023 at 19:210 Comments

Good discussions with my hidden co-creator made clear that there are three to four possible options to follow to derive the conversion matrix from the 3x3D magnetic sensors to teh 6D displacement of the know:

  1. Use simulation to derive converstion matrix
  2. Use a mechanical defined displacement (i.e. in a kind of end stops, an external actuator, ...) to have a mechanical defined displacement and use these defined positions to calibrate the conversion matrix
  3. Use the IMU in the TOP to estimate displacement and derive from this the groudn truth to derive the conversion matrix
  4. Use the pure measurement data and statistical analysis (i.e. a principal component analyisis: PCA) to derive the conversion matrix from the magnetic sensors to the displacements

Simulation would probably be the easiest but I am note sure if this would be exect enough. mechanical would be the most precise but possible a lot of effort. The IMU could work (at least for the three rotations but might have additional errors by the IMU (especially when integrating the rate signals or even the accelerations twice. The pure statistical approach might bee the most elegant one, but probably quite hard and maybe not accurate enough.

I am myself not sure what to to next, so stay tuned and follow the next results !

[some hours later ... ]

PCA did not really work, but using the IMU at least for the rotation axes did not give too bad results (not at all finished but a good way to continue!):

