
Better and better

A project log for Galaxy6D: simple DIY full 6D space mouse

Full 6D mouse by three 3D magnetic sensors and magnets. 3D printed housing, ESP32S with battery operation over BLE as well as USB-C.

bastelbausBastelBaus 06/09/2024 at 15:570 Comments

After same break I wanted to continue but I noticed I lost the small magnets :-(. Reordering them and redesigning the cap went well.  Gluing is horrible because they are so tiny.

And I also succeed to have the furst Python/TKinter/Bleak setup running giving about 50Hz Update Rate over BLE :-).

The measurements showed that the magnetic field changes from the knob displacement (arround sample #1000) are a bit less than these of the earth magnetic field (sample #1500ff) but no signal saturation at all. I used again the stiff springs and they are for sure to stiff but should not be a problem for these first tests.

And then I started to work on the [Kalman filter]( with some docu. Not as straight forward to render math in github pages .. other thing to learn. 

But most important I found the final name of my device, it will be called *Galaxy6D* :-) Had to changer some links but hope this name will stay till the end :-)
