
Manhattan SX - Hacking a low cost DVB-S2 receiver

UART hacking a low cost DVB-S2 receiver box based on MStar MIPS32 chipset

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This little unit is a DVB-S2 receiver for the UK free-to-air satellite service Freesat. It's low cost and widely available. The circuit board provides easy access to a UART with an unlocked UBoot based bootloader terminal. Chipset is from MStar, unfortunately documentation somewhat sparse, I cannot find a datasheet for this specific SoC.

Hardware specification (assumed):

MStar MSA3Z175Z-S00-DA0 SoC (MIPS32 based CPU, 256MiB RAM, USB 2.0 controller, ethernet controller, HDMI output up to 1080p, analog composite video + stereo audio output, hardware video decoding, IR receiver) - cooled by heatsink

Gigadevice GD25Q127C 16MiB/128Mbit serial SPI flash IC

MStar MSB1245 DVB-S2 demodulator IC

Mediatek MT7601U 802.11n Wi-Fi controller IC (uses USB interface to SoC)

12v input with onboard regulation to 5v and 3.3v.

See project logs for all information and updates..


Adobe Portable Document Format - 556.19 kB - 10/25/2023 at 09:42



SPI flash dump

octet-stream - 16.00 MB - 10/24/2023 at 20:03



Wi-Fi controller IC

JPEG Image - 792.88 kB - 09/22/2023 at 08:58


  • Reverse engineering the U-boot binary

    sphaleron11/24/2023 at 10:09 0 comments

    Since the application boot sequence is hardcoded (not defined using bootcmd) we need to dive deeper into how this works.

    Using Ghidra I have decompiled the U-boot MIPS assembly code to understand more. I simply loaded the DRAM dump performed earlier into Ghidra and disassembled for MIPS32 architecture. The initial output from Ghidra is difficult to interpret, but slowly as you start to give functions and variables more intuitive names the process begins to speed up.

    It turns out that the application boot sequence is very complicated with CRC checks and multiple flows for various software upgrades via ethernet and USB. There is also some redundant code that seems to perform no function whatsoever, almost as if this version of M-boot has been further hacked and modified by the author of the final application software. I will provide more detail on this later in the form of a flow chart after I've fully reverse engineered it.

    What I have managed to determine is the main application boot sequence. In order to replicate it via the U-boot command line type the following sequence:

    spi_rdc 0x81100000 0x300000 0x700000
    mscompress7 d 0 0x81100000 0x700000 0x80000180
    go 0x80000224

    This sequence: 1.) copies the compressed application image from flash to DRAM starting at starting 0x81100000, 2.) decompresses the image to DRAM starting at address 0x80000180, 3.) begin code execution from DRAM address 0x80000224. The main application now boots with display out via HDMI. Note, this sequence bypasses all of the CRC checks in the standard hardcoded sequence.

    Interestingly, we can also use the same process to boot the secret software upgrader application:

    spi_rdc 0x81100000 0x90000 0x250000
    mscompress7 d 0 0x81100000 0x250000 0x80000180
    go 0x80000224

    Again, this provides a display output via HDMI and goes through a sequence of trying to update software via ethernet, USB and OTA. 

  • Examination of the firmware dump and initial boot sequence

    sphaleron10/23/2023 at 20:01 0 comments

    In a previous log we saw how the contents of the SPI flash chip can be dumped to a binary file over USB, the .bin file of this dump is attached in the Files area. We will now examine that file using a variety of linux-based tools (hex dump, binwalk, strings).

    Here is my best guess of the map of the 16MiB flash chip, the table will be updated as we learn more:

    Flash start addressFlash end addressDescription
    0x0000000x00316FBootROM (mapped to base address 0xBFC00000)
    0x0031700x00FFFFBootRAM (last 32 bytes are the S-Boot version string)
    0x0100000x0103FFUnknown header
    0x0104000x06FFFFU-boot image (LZMA compressed)
    0x0700000x08FFFFJPEG image (displayed during application boot)
    0x0900000x2E7FFFUpgrader application image (LZMA compressed)
    0x2E80000x2EFFFFApplication CRC
    0x2F00000x2F7FFFApplication CRC (backup copy)
    0x3000000x9FFFFFMain application image (LZMA compressed)
    0xA000000xCFFFFFApplication image (ZLIB compressed)
    0xD000000xFDFFFFApplication data?
    0xFE00000xFEFFFFU-boot environment variables 
    0xFF00000xFFFFFFU-boot environment variables (redundancy)

    The U-boot image starting at 0x010400 is LZMA compressed with a unique string of bytes as a footer. Removing this footer and uncompressing with unlzma reveals a binary containing MIPS instructions.

    A JPEG image is held at address 0x070000 and is displayed during boot via HDMI. The image is the Manhattan branding for this unit and has a resolution of 720 x 576 pixels, it is displayed during the boot of the main application. A cool little hack might be to replace this image with something of your own :-) Image shown below.

    The two blocks starting at 0x2E8000 and 0x2F0000 are identical redundant copies, clearly containing some important data that must be conserved should a write action to this area fail and brick the unit. Reverse engineering of the U-boot binary reveals them to be CRC checksums related to the main application image, the format of these will be explored later. The third block starting at 0x2F8000 is of unknown format at present.

    The application images are compressed with a mixture of LMZA compression and ZLIB compression. They are uncompressed and executed by the U-boot boot sequence. Uncompressing these reveals an eCOS real-time operating system. This is the operating system for the satellite receiver application. One is a separate 'upgrader' application for software updates (more on this later). Disappointingly, it's not Linux, so we won't be able to hack our way to a root shell :-(

    Finally we have application data and the 2x identical copies of the U-boot environment variables, again for important redundancy protection.

    The initial boot sequence (up to U-boot) has been examined by studying the firmware dump and the M-boot manual (attached in the files area):

    1.) Reset vector 0xBFC00000, BootROM code execution direct from flash
    2.) DRAM, UART and other initializations
    3.) BootRAM code copied to DRAM, at address 0x81000000 and executed
    4.) U-boot LMZA image copied to DRAM at address 0x81100000
    5.) U-boot image uncompressed to DRAM at address 0x871F0180
    6.) Execution of U-boot MIPS code from same address.

    From this point, the U-boot boot sequence takes over. In standard U-boot, the boot sequence should be specified in the environment variables (bootcmd). However, we know in this version of U-boot the sequence is instead hardcoded and the bootcmd is a inoperable. In fact, if we modify the bootcmd to include an echo statement + saveenv we do not get any feedback in the console during the full boot flow. It is highly likely the bootcmd is ignored in this version of U-boot and a hardcoded sequence is instead executed. How we therefore modify this sequence to autoboot a future custom OS is unclear, the only viable option at present to boot something custom using the U-boot command prompt.

    So what and where is the hardcoded boot sequence in the U-boot binary? The DEBUG level commands in the console can provide...

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  • Enabling debug messaging

    sphaleron10/12/2023 at 12:57 0 comments

    On examination of the help output there is a command dbg that can be used to set the debug message level:

    kiwi# help
    dbg     - set debug message level. Default level is INFO

    The default level is INFO. We can use this command to change the level of feedback in the terminal when any commands are executing. Let's set to level DEBUG, this is the highest level of detail.

    kiwi# dbg DEBUG
    Saving Environment to SPI Flash...
    Write addr=0x00FE0000, size=0x00010000
    block erase
    Write addr=0x00FF0000, size=0x00010000
    block erase

    This change is made to the environment variables which are stored on the SPI flash. The good news is these changes therefore persist after a reboot. The address locations in flash where the environment variables are stored will be helpful when we later analyze our firmware flash dump. We can check the changes to the environment variables by running the printenv command:

    bootcmd=if mmc rescan ${mmcdev}; then if run loadbootscript; then run bootscript; else if run loaduimage; then run mmcboot; fi; fi; fi
    bootscript=echo Running bootscript from mmc${mmcdev} ...; source ${loadaddr}
    loadbootscript=fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} boot.scr
    loaduimage=fatload mmc ${mmcdev} ${loadaddr} uImage
    mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} vram=${vram} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype}
    mmcboot=echo Booting from mmc${mmcdev} ...; run mmcargs; bootm ${loadaddr}
    mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw
    mmcrootfstype=ext3 rootwait
    Environment size: 805/65532 bytes

    A new line dbgLevel=DEBUG has been appended. 

    Let's reset the unit and allow the normal boot process to proceed so we can review the debug level output:

    BST-OK_RAM[AT][MB][start ub][677]
    U-Boot 2011.06-svn565 (Mar 01 2018 - 21:27:50)  MBOT-1106-0.8.KANO_TEE_NAND.a1
    DRAM:  256 MiB
    Hello U-Boot
    Stack Pointer at: 87E52E00
    mem initial, start 0x86DD0180, len 0x420000
    [MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 86FE7288 with private size 80 bytes at 86FE72D0
    SPI:  Flash is detected (0x0C05, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x18)
            u32AccessWidth = 1
            u32TotalSize   = 16777216
            u32SecNum      = 256
            u32SecSize     = 65536
    create instance at 86FE7328 with private size 48 bytes at 86FE7370
    uboot held at [8F000000~90000000]
    Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 871F0180
    In:    serial
    Out:   serial
    Err:   serial
    Net:   No ethernet found.
     Set MAC default
    MAC:  0x0: 0x30: 0x1B: 0xBA:0x2: 0xDB
    [TRACE] getNextCmd IN
    [DEBUG] getNextCmd:159: This is the last cmd
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize IN
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize OK
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize IN
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize OK
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize IN
    [TRACE] MsDrv_GetMIUSize OK
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
    [TRACE] do_spi_rdc IN
    offset 0x2E0000, size 0x10000
    [TRACE] _spi_rdc IN
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:768: dram_addr=0x80700000
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:769: flash_addr=0x2E0000
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:770: len=0x10000
    Flash is detected (0x0C05, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x18)
    initialization done!
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:799: Start read 10000 data from serial device... 
    [TRACE] do_spi_rdc OK
    ERR>Invalid Ldr Sign
    ERR>Reading LDR sign from backup 
    [TRACE] do_spi_rdc IN
    offset 0x80000, size 0x10000
    [TRACE] _spi_rdc IN
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:768: dram_addr=0x80700000
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:769: flash_addr=0x80000
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:770: len=0x10000
    [DEBUG] _spi_rdc:799: Start read 10000 data from serial device... 
    [TRACE] do_spi_rdc OK
    @DF.0  #1.0 $1.0 ^1.5 *17
    SSS eLOADER 21:28:06 Mar  1 2018
    CPS SZE[1740]
    MAIN.C 2484> Checking for key sequence...
    M.c 712> USB_(0)
    Check USB port[0]:
    [USB] usb_lowlevel_init++
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  • Extracting the firmware

    sphaleron09/28/2023 at 20:15 0 comments

    The conventional way of doing this is to use the command md to dump the firmware bytes as text characters to the terminal, pipe to a text file, and run a script to convert from ASCII to binary. Unfortunately, this process is very slow, I calculated that to dump the entire 256MiB of RAM would take 36 hours with a resulting text file larger than 1GB!

    Thankfully, there is a quicker and easier way, thanks to some nifty USB tools bundled in with M-boot :-)

    kiwi# usb
    usb - USB sub-system
    usb reset [dev] - reset (rescan) USB controller
    usb start [dev] - start (scan) USB controller
    usb stop [f]  - stop USB [f]=force stop
    usb tree  - show USB device tree
    usb info [dev] - show available USB devices
    usb storage  - show details of USB storage devices
    usb dev [dev] - show or set current USB storage device
    usb part [dev] - print partition table of one or all USB storage devices
    usb read addr blk# cnt - read `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#'
        to memory address `addr'
    usb write addr blk# cnt - write `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#'
        from memory address `addr'

    The board has 2x USB2.0 ports. The first (USB 0) is internally connected to the WiFi chip. The second (USB 1) is exposed as a USB2.0 port for us to use. Plug a freshly FAT32 formatted USB pen/thumb drive into this port. Reset the port to discover the device:

    kiwi# usb reset 1
    (Re)start USB 1...
    Check USB port[1]:
    [USB] usb_lowlevel_init++
    [USB] USB EHCI LIB VER: 2014.10.02
    [USB] Port 1 is Enabled
    [USB] TV_usb_init (UTMI Init) ++
    [USB] UTMI Base BF207400
    [USB] UHC Base BF201A00
    [USB] USBC Base BF200F00
    [USB] BC Base BF240A80
    [USB] TV_usb_init--
    [USB] Usb_host_Init++
    [USB] Async base addr: 0xA7E1A100 
    [USB] Reg 0x28: 0xA100 0xA7E1
    [USB] disable run
    [USB] Host Speed:2 
    [USB] enable aynch 
    [USB] Usb_host_Init--
    [USB] usb_lowlevel_init--[0]
    scanning bus for devices... [USB] control1 max:40
    [USB] interface[0] conf:1 value 8: 
    1 USB Device(s) found
           scanning bus for storage devices... [USB] no_of_ep: 2
    [USB] find bulk ep: 0
    [USB] find bulk ep2: 1
    [USB] bulk max packet size: ep(in) 0x200, ep2(out) 0x200
    [USB] bulk0 is in
    max lun:0
    1 Storage Device(s) found

    Confirm that you have plugged into the port is a USB storage device. The device is registered as storage device 0, not to be confused with port 0:

    kiwi# usb storage
      Device 0: Vendor: Kingston Rev: 1.00 Prod: DT 100 G2       
                Type: Removable Hard Disk
                Capacity: 3824.0 MB = 3.7 GB (7831552 x 512)

    First task is to dump the contents of the RAM (virtual address range 0x80000000 to 0x8FFFFFFF) to a binary file on the pen drive (USB storage device 0). Remember, this is contents of the RAM with the M-boot bootloader only, we have not yet loaded any application programs to memory. We will use the fatwrite command to achieve this, where the final argument is the number of bytes to write in hex:

    kiwi# fatwrite usb 0 0x80000000 RAM.bin 0x10000000       
    file RAM.bin not found

    Second task is to use the spi_rdc command to write the contents of the SPI flash chip to RAM, the first argument is the start address in RAM to transfer the data to, the second the start address on the SPI flash chip, the third the number of bytes to transfer, all in hex. We then use fatwrite as before to write this data to a binary file on the pen drive, where the number of bytes to write is now the 16MiB capacity of the flash chip (0x1000000)

    kiwi# spi_rdc 0x80000000 0 0x1000000
    offset 0x0, size 0x1000000
    Flash is detected (0x0C05, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x18)
    initialization done!
    kiwi# fatwrite usb 0 0x80000000 flash.bin 0x1000000    
    file flash.bin not found
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  • Exploring the bootloader

    sphaleron09/28/2023 at 11:48 0 comments

    From the U-boot shell prompt we can explore the command options available to us using the help command. There is a lot for us to explore:

    kiwi# help
    ?       - alias for 'help'
    CmdPerformanceTest- gettime   - Get the system executing time
    ac      - set a new config to the bootargs
    base    - print or set address offset
    bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
    boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
    bootargs_set- Set info exchange and set to boot args. 
    bootcheck- bootcheck   - Do boot check
    bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
    bootm   - boot application image from memory
    bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
    checkfile- check file exist in u disk,and set the partition.
    checkstr- check_str_resume
    cleanallenv- cleanall environment variables to persistent storage
    cmp     - memory compare
    config2env- Set config to environment.
    config_raw_io- Config the target device for raw I/O
    coninfo - print console devices and information
    cp      - memory copy
    crc32   - checksum calculation
    custar  - do usb update from the specified file that is in usb.
    dbg     - set debug message level. Default level is INFO
    dc      - delete the specific cofig that is in the bootargs
    delay   - delay time, time unit is ms
    dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
    du      - du  - Disable UART
    ebist   - PHY loopback test
    echo    - echo args to console
    editenv - edit environment variable
    edump   - EMAC Register settings dump
    eloopback- Long loopback test
    env     - environment handling commands
    epd     - emac power down
    estart  - EMAC start
    ewavetest- EMAC wave test
    exit    - exit script
    false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
    fatfilesize- fatfilesize - load binary file from a dos filesystem
    fatinfo - print information about filesystem
    fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
    fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
    fatpartload- fatpartload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
    fatwrite- fatwrite - write binary file to a dos filesystem
    filelist- Dump the file list.
    filelisttest- This command is only for file list test
    filepartload- load part of a file to RAM
    get_mmap- get memory info from supernova's mmap
    gettime - gettime   - Get the system executing time
    go      - start application at address 'addr'
    gpio    - GPIO Command:
    help    - print command description/usage
    if_boot_to_pm- if boot to PM
    iminfo  - print header information for application image
    imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
    initDbgLevel- Initial varaible 'dbgLevel' 
    init_raw_io- init raw_io module
    itest   - return true/false on integer compare
    kernelProtect- kernelProtect  - Protect kernel
    kernelProtectBist- kernelProtectBist  - Protect kernel bist
    led     - See led commands
    loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
    loadenv - loadenv   - load env for nand 
    loads   - load S-Record file over serial line
    loadspi - load data from SPI
    loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
    loop    - infinite loop on address range
    m2e     - Restore the address and len to env from supernova's mmap
    macaddr - setup EMAC MAC addr
    mbup    - mboot upgrade
    md      - memory display
    memtest - Get the performance of memory
    miuProtect- miuProtect  - Protect miu
    mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
    mscompress7- Compress or decompress lzma files
    msg     - print string - msg [string]
    mstar   - update kernal & root file system automatically by script file
    mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
    mversion- show changelist - mversion 
    mw      - memory write (fill)
    nm      - memory modify (constant address)
    nuttxProtect- nuttx Protect  - Protect nuttx
    ota_zip_check- do OTA zip package check.
    ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
    pm51    - pm51 command: pm51 [option]
    pmProtect- runtime pm Protect  - Protect runtime PM
    pop_raw_io_config- pop raw_io last config
    printenv- print environment variables
    push_raw_io_config- push raw_io current config
    raw_io_status- get raw_io status
    raw_read- Read the raw datas that store in the target device
    Yo have to execute 'config_raw_io' before using this cmd
    raw_write- Write the raw datas that store in the target...
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  • Establishing a UART connection and a shell

    sphaleron09/28/2023 at 11:43 0 comments

    The board has a very convenient 4-pin connector for the UART interface. With a multimeter I've managed to figure out the pinout.

    4-pins: VCC(5V), TX, RX, GND

    To interface with a computer I've used an FTDI FT232 based USB-UART adapter, the cheap Chinese ones on eBay are more than adequate. The cable should be arranged to connect the ground pins and cross-over TX and RX pins. Do not connect to the VCC pin. It is important to ensure your UART adapter is set to 3.3V mode (this SoC operates on 3.3V logic).

    Open your favorite terminal application (I use picocom for Linux) and set the baudrate to 115200. Power on the board and you will see the following output in the terminal:

    BST-OK_RAM[AT][MB][start ub][677]
    U-Boot 2011.06-svn565 (Mar 01 2018 - 21:27:50)  MBOT-1106-0.8.KANO_TEE_NAND.a1
    DRAM:  256 MiB
    Hello U-Boot
    Stack Pointer at: 87E52E00
    mem initial, start 0x86DD0180, len 0x420000
    [MIU INFO] miu opencreate instance at 86FE7288 with private size 80 bytes at 86FE72D0
    SPI:  Flash is detected (0x0C05, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x18)
            u32AccessWidth = 1
            u32TotalSize   = 16777216
            u32SecNum      = 256
            u32SecSize     = 65536
    create instance at 86FE7328 with private size 48 bytes at 86FE7370
    uboot held at [8F000000~90000000]
    Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 871F0180
    *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
    In:    serial
    Out:   serial
    Err:   serial
    Net:   No ethernet found.
     Set MAC default
    MAC:  0x0: 0x30: 0x1B: 0xBA:0x2: 0xDB
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
    offset 0x2E0000, size 0x10000
    Flash is detected (0x0C05, 0xC8, 0x40, 0x18)
    initialization done!
    ERR>Invalid Ldr Sign
    ERR>Reading LDR sign from backup 
    offset 0x80000, size 0x10000
    @DF.0  #1.0 $1.0 ^1.5 *17
    SSS eLOADER 21:28:06 Mar  1 2018
    CPS SZE[1740]
    MAIN.C 2484> Checking for key sequence...
    M.c 712> USB_(0)
    Check USB port[0]:
    [USB] usb_lowlevel_init++
    [USB] USB EHCI LIB VER: 2014.10.02
    [USB] Port 0 is Enabled
    [USB] TV_usb_init (UTMI Init) ++
    [USB] UTMI Base BF207500
    [USB] UHC Base BF204800
    [USB] USBC Base BF200E00
    [USB] BC Base BF240A00
    [USB] TV_usb_init--
    [USB] Usb_host_Init++
    [USB] Async base addr: 0xA7E1A100 
    [USB] Reg 0x28: 0xA100 0xA7E1
    [USB] disable run
    [USB] Host Speed:2 
    [USB] enable aynch 
    [USB] Usb_host_Init--
    [USB] usb_lowlevel_init--[0]
    scanning bus for devices... [USB] control1 max:40
    [USB] interface[0] conf:1 value FF: 
    1 USB Device(s) found
    M.c 716>USB_0_Init_Success
    offset 0xDC0000, size 0x10000
    Marker read success
    Marker [0xFFFFFFFF] mode[0] 
    Jumping to  Application...
    MsBoot.c E-1174>APP CRC Check..!!
    offset 0x2E8000, size 0x8000
    offset 0x300000, size 0x4B29FC
    APP CRC Success...
    Decompression OK!
    MSBOOT.C 1196-E> Decompression OK[Go]
    disable interrupts
    ## Starting application at 0x80000224 ...

    Beyond this output the interface goes silent and the unit begins the application boot process.

    You will notice this unit is using the U-boot bootloader. In fact, this is M-boot, a proprietary version for MStar chipsets that combines U-boot with a first stage bootloader called S-boot (more on this later). More information on M-boot can be found a the following link ( I've also found source code and documentation for a version of M-boot at the following GitHub, (, although unlikely this is the exact version we are using here.

    You will notice the following line:

    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

     This implies we can interrupt the boot process and get a U-boot shell. The make this happen, power cycle the unit and continuously press a keyboard key, you will quickly get the bootloader finishing on a shell prompt:

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Boxerbomb wrote 10/12/2023 at 20:15 point

Nice project. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes. It seems like a cool platform for experimentation with the MSTAR hardware.

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sphaleron wrote 10/13/2023 at 08:14 point

Thanks, I'm intrigued to see what's possible. With the flash storage being so small it's likely we'll only manage to boot a custom OS from USB stick, unless we can compress it somehow. The lack of documentation on the SoC will preset a challenge also, I haven't yet managed to find anything for this specific SoC, only more general stuff on the MStar platform.

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