
Reuse As a Candle Replacement

A project log for Flickering Pumpkin Pin

A minimalist approach to seasonal nerdwear

stephSteph 10/17/2023 at 04:550 Comments

Turn your pin into a safe jack-o-lantern light!

After a long night of haunting (or partying) in style, your fashionable pin can be easily converted to provide flameless pumpkin illumination with a satisfying flicker.

All you need to do is bend the LEDs about 90° upward from their flat position. Angle them slightly out so that they shine directly onto the inner walls of your carved gourd masterpiece. Your can also experiment with bending the LED's over the front side, which allows you to use the tie tack to attach the pin inside the pumpkin (as seen in the gif above).

That's it!

The resulting light is pleasing and natural, with a brightness very similar to a tea candle. Have a look at the result in this video:
