
19/10 Ball maze

A project log for Saw game

Solve puzzles to obtain pieces of a password

zacharieZacharie 10/19/2023 at 16:050 Comments

Today we started prototyping and making a moodboard for our project. The first "puzzle" or "minigame" will be a ball maze controlled with a joystick. You have to get the ball in the hole in order to obtain part of the code. We made a cardboard prototype that ended up giving us a few ideas on how to make it more annoying :

-a corridor with bumps (so it's harder to control) that leads into a hole that makes you start over from the beggining.

-a wall that, on contact, bounces you into a hole.

-lots of holes in spot where you need speed so you fall more easily.

For now this is the only concrete idea we have along with the final piece where you input the code with an arduino numpad. 
