
07/01 Problems

A project log for Saw game

Solve puzzles to obtain pieces of a password

zacharieZacharie 01/11/2024 at 20:470 Comments

This day started pretty fine, we finished screwing the frame, making sure the dimensions aren't messed up and the maze can fit inside.

We started cutting the supports for the maze out of the planks used for the walls because there was a lot left over.

And also started drilling holes in the frame so that we can join them together using the steel rod.

Don't mind the marking they were for the supports later on.

We managed to drill the holes in the right spot on the first try (at least for the first frame).

For the inside frame, the hole went all the way through, unlike for the second frame which only goes in about 1 cm. The bits of steel rod we cut were 3.7 cm each. We were going to plug the holes using the supports for the frame.

This is were the problems started.

First, one of our members was testing the code for the motors to make sure they still worked : One of them didn't. 

Second, when testing the motors, he accidentally left the arduino plugged in his pc when the arduino had already a 12V battery attached to it. This fried his screen and it couldn't display anything anymore.

This is what was planned originally for the motors : they were going to be snugged inside a brass tubing (8mm diameter before being squeezed) which had a 5mm brass tubing snugged inside, wich was going to squeezed flat inside a wooden rod.



