
07/01 Solutions

A project log for Saw game

Solve puzzles to obtain pieces of a password

zacharieZacharie 01/11/2024 at 21:050 Comments

Using motors was not a suitable path any longer because of time constraints, we had to find something else.

Instead, we chose to let the wooden rod stick out and turn it to make the labyrinth move ; this will make sense in a bit.

We got to work : first step was to cut more battens to make space for the rods, and plug holes inside one end and drill through the other. 


The small screw prevents the rod from being pulled out.

Next we used two screws to place two springs for string tension and two other screws to tie one end of the string to it. There is one on the first frame and one on the second. 



This is the knot we used.

And this is what it looks like from above without the maze.

The box that comes below it to catch the ball has inclined planes to guide the ball towards the sensor's sight and make it act.

The top left is used for winning and the bottom right for losing. The wiring goes as such. (more details in the "Instructions" section)

