
UT-88 DIY Computer Emulator

A soviet i8080-based computer emulator

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30 years ago I've got a magazine describing how to build a UT-88 DIY computer step by step. It was very interesting to understand how the computer works. I spent endless hours manually disassembling the software, and trying to design a PCB. I was 12 years old those days, and my engineering skills were not enough to get it working.

30 years later I can finally state I know everything about this computer. Unfortunately not all of the components are available any more, and I cannot build it in hardware. But I definitely can do the software emulation of the computer.

This is an emulator of the UT-88 computer, developed using Python. The project has two primary objectives:
- Understand the computer schematics, and emulate it as close as possible to the real hardware
- Understand software part of the computer, disassemble and document it

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