

A project log for SGVHAK Rover 2.0

Build an updated SGVHAK Rover based on the Open Source Rover 2.0 design

lanLan 10/20/2023 at 23:120 Comments

Hurrah, we have officially started SGVHAK Rover 2.0.

Just like we did 5 years ago, we are going to be building the Open Source Rover. This time, it's with the new, improved, cheaper design that was released recently.   We are looking forward to providing feedback to the project and additional documentation.

Our first steps was to order the parts.  This requires going through 6 vendors and Amazon. 

* signing up for a group email address

* establishing accounts with the vendors using said group email

* some decision-making about premade vs DIY

* some decision-making about whether to go with the recommended minimum, or a beefier option.

We also set up this project to make it easier to document our work in a collaborative way.

Pro tip: goBilda, which is the vendor for the majority of the parts, has a Bulk Order page, so you can just enter SKU and quanity.  Which is a lot  easier than visiting each parts page and adding it to the cart.
