
Notes from TC18-7

A project log for ArduAOA

Use BLE enabled Arduinos to collect Angle of Attack (AoA) information and display

tklenketklenke 11/04/2023 at 22:390 Comments

//-- ALPHA 2 Right Wing Flight Test Calibration Curve
//-- Linear from DAB 5-26/27-2015 Alpha = A*(Pfwd/P45) + B

A = -16.908083; // These values must be adjusted for individual
B = 42.415008; // probes and probe locations

pfwdnoload = 8162.9; //counts Adjust these values for
p45noload = 8186.6; //counts the individual sensors

pfwdcorr = pfwd - pfwdnoload; // Account for no load
p45corr = p45 - p45noload; // Account for noload

pfwd_p45 = pfwdcorr/p45corr;

It's unclear, but appears that noload is the static value from the pressure sensor.  Also note this is a different pressure sensor.  Also, note that linear approximation used.  Seemed like paper suggested power law fit.
