
Giveaway winners announced

A project log for PICO-56: 65C02 + TMS9918A on a Pi Pico

My HBC-56 - a retro 65C02/TMS9918A/AY-3-8910 homebrew computer fully emulated on a single Raspberry Pi Pico

troy-schrapelTroy Schrapel 01/16/2024 at 01:380 Comments

The response to the giveaway has been absolutely fantastic with 173 entries received over the 7 days giving each entry a roughly 1 in 58 chance of winning a kit.

The lucky winners are:

The winners have been notified by email.

If you haven't received your 'Congratulations!' email, check your spam.

Congratulations! and happy PICO-56-ing :)

- Troy
