
Ai Ham Radio Responder

AI clone of yourself as a ham amateur

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• An AI clone of yourself as a ham amateur
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• Vision is possible to ask if it’s cloudy? signal reading, etc.….
• The QSO is saved in a text file. Can Retrieve later to read out or read or search on a html page.
• Ai check for answers from predefined form you have fill info like location, name, etc.
• Acts as an answering machine that answers for you.
• Have a conversation with it.
• Can listen to calls in QSO and pass msg to an operator.
• Could host a net by itself.
• Can act as lots of things, a beacon, announce weather warnings.
• From the ham shack see online the Realtime transcript of your contact with the ai ham happen
• Ham operator can text in the program and AI will transmit msg

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ZS6WDL - Jaques wrote 04/24/2024 at 14:49 point

Capture Audio from the Two-Way Radio:

Use a sound card interface to capture analog audio from the two-way radio.
You can achieve this using libraries like sounddevice (which unfortunately isn’t available in this environment, but you can install it locally).

Process Captured Audio:

Implement audio processing to improve quality (e.g., noise reduction, filtering).
You can use existing audio processing libraries or write custom code.

Convert Audio to Text:

Use a speech-to-text library or API to convert the captured audio to text.
For demonstration purposes, let’s assume the detected text is “This is a test sentence.”

Check for AI Callsign:

Compare the detected text with the AI’s callsign (e.g., “AI123”).
If the callsign is present, proceed to generate an answer.

Generate an Answer:

Based on the detected text, create an appropriate response (e.g., “Yes, I’m here. How can I assist you?”).
You can use predefined answers or implement more complex logic.

Convert Answer to Audio:

Use a text-to-speech library or API to generate audio from the answer text.
For demonstration, we’ll simulate this with random noise (replace with actual TTS output).

Inject Answer Audio into the Two-Way Radio:

Simulate injecting the answer audio into the two-way radio (you’ll need to replace this with your actual hardware interface).
Ensure that the audio levels match the radio’s input requirements.

Run the Program on Windows:

Write your program in a language like Python, C++, or C#.
Ensure it runs on Windows by handling any platform-specific dependencies.

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