
The Wait of Sleep

A project log for Wake Up and Scream

A wearable sculpture constructed from old student clickers.

eddieEddie 12/19/2023 at 21:440 Comments

Now that I had my first version of a screen controller I thought it was time to start working on the programming and assessing how I was going to attach everything to fabric.  I decided to do a small study with the story content being derived from developing insomnia in my first year of college.  The story was broken up across several screens since that's what I initially wanted to do.  The code for this can be found on my GitHub.

I ran into a few issues with this test.  Mainly I needed to control all of the buttons with the multiplexer/demultiplexer circuitry and not just the text.  This facilitated a version 1.1 board to be created.  
