
Did I mention I'm an Android developer?

A project log for Hacking smart apartments for better living

How I helped my high-rise neighbors remotely control their smart apartments for free

neighborinoNeighborino 01/20/2024 at 16:410 Comments

Well, used to be. Nowadays when I see what the "hello world" app code looks like in Android Studio, I feel unwell, close it and uninstall it. What has happened to lightweight 50 KB APKs anyway? R.I.P.

I decompiled the Java code from the app and studied it - luckily the code was not optimized/obfuscated and no native code was involved, making the Android app quite future proof and available for hacking/modding :)

The main thing I wanted to solve was the lack of HTTPS support.

I created SMALI patches for the relevant features I wanted to fix:

On the server side, I added Basic Auth password protection for the whole HTTP server to "cover up" the fact that a very old Django version is running the show and used certbot to deploy Let's Encrypt which I must say has worked flawlessly for many years now diligently renewing the certificate when needed.
