
Public release 1.0

A project log for Hacking smart apartments for better living

How I helped my high-rise neighbors remotely control their smart apartments for free

neighborinoNeighborino 01/20/2024 at 17:120 Comments

I had my first working system that I felt confident enough in to share with my neighbors - I emailed the tenant mailing list and offered to set it up for a few people without any charge except for the Raspberry Pi 3 hardware (~ 80€ at the time).

I got multiple requests and set up 10 apartments in 2019. In the 5 years to come, some of them have sold their apartments or no longer needed remote access but all other deployments are still working well still on their original SD cards.

I think the technical reasons for the successful setup were:

The biggest issues I noticed and fixed during these years were:

This first public release offered the following 2 remote control clients:

But I couldn't very well leave it alone at that, could I? :)
