
Goals and Motivations

A project log for Poetroid - Poetry Capturing Camera

Morph the mundane memory-catcher into a mosaic maker of metaphors, marshaling mementos not in megapixels but in mellifluous meter.

stopsendingmejunkstopsendingmejunk 01/30/2024 at 20:520 Comments

The goal is to create a portable and self-contained instant-style camera that prints poems instead of pictures. Some of the motivations for this project:

- A desire to create a fun art project to share with my friends while playing with my favorite things: impossibly tiny computers, language models, and usb cables. 


- Self-contained. Meaning it requires no external servers or devices to run. Everything is on board from power to processing.

- Simple to maintain. Unlike many of my projects which require 15 minute of tinkering and troubleshooting to run once before immediately breaking and become forgotten forver, I'd like this to be simple enough that I can loan it to a friend and they could use it without needing to jack into the matrix and hack the Gibson first. And then I can forget about it.

- Off-the-porch parts. I'm not gonna lie, most of this stuff came from the Bezos Barn. Much of it can be found cheaper on ali-express and other Chinese suppliers if you are willing to wait longer. 
