
Let's goooo I have seen it, mind's eye

A project log for ML Clip Cam

This is a much smaller version of the previous project which the next phase is an autozoom, moving camera on a tripod paired with IMU on hat

jacob-david-c-cunninghamJacob David C Cunningham 03/17/2024 at 22:490 Comments

When I was screwing around with Brilliant Labs' Monocle I had designed this swivel thing that you could tighten. This clip camera can use the same.

My eyes are in pain, I probably dragged like 300+ pallets today and covered many miles. Sucks to suck. Phone screen tomorrow though. It's a binge day too went shopping got that good good (food).

I'm gonna crap out a body tonight since I have to write the code tomorrow for Tuesday

I can print for another 5-6 hrs. Drinking this right now got it for 50 cents at WalMart

Alright first I'll prototype the clip, a random S-shaped squighly should work. The form factor is primarily based around the Pi Zero's major dimensions. The Pi Zero W will have a 40-pin female header on it.

New battery for my caliper too nice.

I'm actually excited about the potential applications of this thing... you can connect a browser window to the livestream and included it in a video for example or seeing my hands control the sticks as I fly and recording myself taking photos with my other pi cam projects ha.

Damn I'm struggling, mind hurts

Ugh... I just feel bad... tomorrow... next update, physical build
