

A 4 wheeled utility class robot for exploration and analysis.

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Ongoing development of the NoRb-UR01

Autonomous 4-wheeled robot that is capable of navigating and mapping its environment in real-time. Leveraging the computational power of the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Orin and the flexibility of ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2), this robot is designed to perform complex tasks, including obstacle avoidance, path planning, and environment mapping.

Key Components
Jetson Nano Orin: Serves as the brain of the robot, providing advanced processing capabilities necessary for running deep learning models and handling the computational demands of SLAM algorithms.

ROS2: The latest version of the Robot Operating System, offering improved performance, security, and support for real-time systems. ROS2 facilitates efficient communication between the robot's components and supports its autonomous operations.

Gazebo: Used for simulating the robot's environment and testing its algorithms in a virtual setting before deployment in the real world. This en

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