
Week #4.2 - Web Server & Motors

A project log for Vision360

Interactive camera controlled via wifi with an esp32

brunoBruno 04/04/2024 at 11:040 Comments

During this week, we have added two new features to our web server: the pan button (to move the camera left or right) and the tilt button (to move the camera up or down). This movement will be possible on our device thanks to the gimbal, controlled by two servo motors. These two innovations appear on the web server in the form of a slider, meaning that the user must slide the bar to the left or right to move the camera. Additionally, we wanted to implement that when the cursor is over one of the sliders, this slider will darken slightly; this way, the user can know at all times which slider they are interacting with. All this has been implemented by making the corresponding changes in the code. On the other hand, we have also discovered that the ESP32 cam has a flash. Therefore, we have decided that the flash should also be part of the interaction: when the user presses the photo capture button, the flash will turn on, indicating to the user that the photo is being taken. 

Regarding the control of the motors, we have managed to make the motor rotate according to the position of the slider bar, controlled by the user. This is our first advancement regarding the motor, as we have managed to combine both the motor and ESP32 codes so that everything works together. However, we have encountered a delay that hinders smooth and real-time movement, so we will continue working on this.

The following pictures show how the flashes turns on when taking a picture, and if you look closely, you will see how the motor has moved from position one to position two.
