
#Week 8

A project log for Vision360

Interactive camera controlled via wifi with an esp32

inescalvo-alierines.calvo-alier 05/23/2024 at 09:140 Comments

During today's class, we continued to embarked on the assembly process, piecing together all components to ensure functionality. Upon connecting the battery to the motors, we eagerly observed their response, and to our satisfaction, they operated as expected. We also finsihed designing the enclosure, which you can see next. It had features that allowed the camera to move smoothly without altering the movement of the device and also a whole through where the camera would operate to take pictures, etc.

Testing the camera support 

However, our journey was not without its challenges. As we delved into the fabrication of the camera casing, we encountered several unexpected obstacles. We had to redesign our initial design sketch, meticulously scrutinizing each detail to identify and rectify any deficiencies. Since we did not take into account an space for the jumper wires, we had to refine our phisical design by calculating and creating wholes through where to connect the wires to the ESP32. 

measuring to readjust the camera support

Through collaborative effort and perseverance, we successfully addressed these issues, ensuring that our project continues to progress toward its ultimate fruition. 
