

A project log for CamperCycle

A rather large project that spans multiple disciplines. Despite of a chronic illness that leaves me fatigued a lot of the time.

timescaleTimescale 03/17/2024 at 20:050 Comments

The goals of this project are basically twofold. One, I need to keep busy to keep sane. Repair something ro build something, perhaps write some software or a write up like this (yes, this is now a therapeutic blog (if it wasn't already!)), read and do research, Try new and different things, design graphics or machinery. Basically to allow me to have a goal to let me use and practice the various disciplines I like. when ever I am able to do them and luckily the days where I am completely unable to do anything are rare and I'd like to keep it that way!

So that is the primary goal of designing and building. The goal of the build is real simple. I want a comfortable long range bike that shields me from the weather, allows me to rest when I need it and gives me back some range so I get out more which is good. With those two factors as a framework, I started the planning and design process.

For comfort, I do not want to have to get out when I need a lie down or to eat something. I want to choose the level of effort so it will have to be electrically assisted. I need enough space to store food, drink and entertainment so I can be gone for a few days. It should be somewhat modular, easy to repair or to replace parts.

I also need it to be cheap... very cheap. As I do not have a stable income at this point in time, the resources I can spend on this are limited so second hand stuff from the internet and thrift stores are my friend. Also alternative materials for construction help.

Then there is the fun stuff and the stuff you really do not need, but I want to build. Not only because I can, but sometimes it is the only thing I practically can do. Welding in the hospital is frowned upon for example were as just writing code on your bed is quite alright.

A lot of the pre-work has already been done and right now I'm already collecting materials, testing methods and writing basic code, but i waited to do a vlog on this when I knew this was getting serious, which It now seems to be. So the logs will first come in quick succession and when I'm up to date, the cadence will vary.
