
Week #3

A project log for D-Grip

Creating a custom tool to assist Diego, a child with a hand disability, with tasks requiring both hands.

inescalvo-alierines.calvo-alier 04/02/2024 at 15:560 Comments

In today's class we experimented with the thermoplastic to create more prototypes by entering the knife from another axis so that  the force exerted with the hand when cutting and the vector in the opposite direction generated by the plate counteract each other.

Thermoplastic Prototype

As a result, we obtained another insight with this thermoplastic prototype: why should the knife be placed on the outside of the grip? We concluded that placing the knife on the inside of the grip would allow for more control while cutting, as the utensil would be more securely held between the hand and the designed device.

Furthermore we created a new 3D design using software SolidWorks. This new model was designed with the direction of the knife perpendicular to the base. 

New design ready to be printed
