The Ultimate Noise Box project uses a Raspberry Pi 3A+ to play back high quality wav files that loop endlessly. The sound files consist of relaxing sounds such as waterfalls, ocean, rain, etc... that loop undetectably. Sounds are selected via the four preset buttons on the front panel or by rotating the rotary encoder. A small graphic describes each sound on a small LCD. 

The project also includes its own webserver for full browser-based remote control as well as a means for uploading additional sound and image files. All of the software runs in containers on the balena platform.

This project was originally designed in a small 3D printed enclosure with an analog audio output jack that connects to an amplifier or powered speaker. However, I wanted to build a version that could work on its own using an internal amplifier and speaker. What better than a late 1970s table radio with a nice size speaker?

After removing the insides of the radio, I 3D printed some brackets to hold the display and the rotary encoders in place so they fit in the radio's original holes. I also added some code to allow for a rotary encoder controlled volume knob. The volume level is temporarily displayed on the LCD with a bar graph.