
5th week

A project log for hydroarm

it's a mechanical arm powered by hydrolics, it has several rotation, one around the z axis and two following the r and teta plane.

edgarfebvinedgar.febvin 06/04/2024 at 08:030 Comments

Now that we had the dimensions for each piece we needed to laser cut them. So we did the work with Fusion 360 and then on Inskape to obtain the necessary pieces. We did them in wood with a 3mm thickness. We got our components together and time was up for this time. For The wood parts, we had to cut 16 pieces of wood. 2 of 20cm*20cm, two of 8.5cm*8.5cm with a 0.5 hole in the middle. two of 13.5cm*13.5cm, two of 20cm*4cm two pf 26cm*4cm. And the diamond with it's claws.

Here after an exemple of the claw on Inkscape : 
