
7th week

A project log for hydroarm

it's a mechanical arm powered by hydrolics, it has several rotation, one around the z axis and two following the r and teta plane.

pircarrepiRcarre 06/04/2024 at 08:300 Comments

We've first started to assemble all wood pieces together for the arm. Then we had to assembly the syringes, it was difficult because space was limited and because syringes didn't stay in place. We managed to assembly the arm. We've then assembly the pinch and add it to our project. However the pinch is heavy and so is adding too much weight on the arm and so the pressure in the syringe is not enough. Unfortunately the arm can't stay up for long because of that. We should have made the arm pieces longer so we could have a counterweight. We also had an issue with the syringes because syringes were leaking a bit so air could fit inside and messing up our synergies position.
