
May 12. Update

A project log for pod, controller board and simulator

Golang hexapod simulator and controller.

hans-jrgen-grimstadHans Jørgen Grimstad 05/12/2024 at 21:460 Comments

Today, I have tested my new board. The only difference from the last is that the CP2102 VBUS pin is connected VBUS via a resistor ladder. The board now works as expected.

This was the first test where I streamed servo parameters over wifi from the simulator to the physical hexpaod. It's not perfect, but it is a start. The robot moves and nothing smokes :)

After having watched some of the footage in slow motion, I suspect that I may have mounted the coxa servos upside down., or that "something" is mirrored. I'm not 100 % sure yet, but it seems that the legs might work against each other when it attempts forward motion. Rotation seems to work ok, though.
