List of Basic Commands


• AT

Responds with OK, no other operation is performed. When auto baudrate is enbled, it's necessary to begin with this command after reset. Send it a few times until an OK response is received. Usually responds for the 2nd command. After 5-6 tries you can assume something went wrong and reset the M95.

• ATE0

Disable echo. Default is enabled. If it's enabled, you get back all the commands you send. Useful for a human communicating manually but unnecessary for a microcontroller.


Check the initialization state of the M95. After powering on, it is necessary to wait for the module to initialize. The init state has to be '3' before doing any further setup.


Find phone book entries. This does a string search in the phonebook and returns the results. This is useful if you need to store some information on the SIM card.


Request the network status (for data connection): connected, in data roaming or searching for network.


Request the PIN state of the SIM. If the SIM card needs a PIN, you can enter it with this command.


With this command you can do a software reset of the M95.


Get cellular operator info.


Get signal quality info.



Select the SMS message format. 0 is for binary mode, 1 is for text mode. I recommend text mode for ease of use.


Receive all unread messages. Lists all the unread messages incl. header information and message text.


Send an SMS.

• AT+CMGD=1,2

Deletes all read and sent mesages. Unread and unsent are preserved. Useful for periodic cleanup of the internal memory.

Data connection

See the "GSM TCPIP Recommended Process" document.


Start the TCP/IP network stack and set up the data communication.


Activate the data connection.


Deativate the data connection.


Open a TCP or UDP socket and connnect to the host.


Disconnect and close a socket.


Send data thru an open socket.


Receive data from an open socket.


Set the mode for how data are received from sockets. Setting this to '1' means that you will receive data with the poll command AT+QIRD.


That's all. These are all the commands that are required to operate the M95 module.