

A project log for LEGO Robotic Controller

LEGO compatible, business card sized, I2C enable, BLE controlled robot controller.

adanAdan 05/10/2024 at 01:250 Comments

OK so I removed one of the motor connections because it turns out the NRF52840 only has 4 PWM channels. I could drop a servo but nah. Added QSPI flash for programs and USB pads for programming. I'm running out of room here so the flash goes at the top. Because this is a controller for LEGO creations, I've got to make some things to use it with. I've made some progress but it's a bit difficult without the motors and servos to build around. I have a car and a tank with a cannon launcher thingy. I want to make one autonomous and one remote controlled but I don't know which to make which. 
