
Trying a new PCB

A project log for Star Trek Communicator Badge

In the true spirit of Star Trek, this communicator badge is completely autonomous, while fitting in the form factor of an original badge

joeJoe 02/16/2017 at 05:072 Comments

Well, still no luck getting the current PCB up and running with the Teensy. I have decided to try making a new one.

The main challenge I think is that I am trying to go straight from breadboarding to miniaturization. This makes it a bit harder to debug, not to mention solder. Right now I am not using a stencil which makes the solder paste application very tedious and error prone. Hopefully these improvements will make it a bit easier. You can find the new board on oshpark here:

Order Board Version 2.1 from Osh Park


oshpark wrote 03/07/2017 at 18:26 point

Hi, thanks for sharing your project!  Unfortunately, the "order from OSH Park" link appears to just go to the image file, not your shared project page.

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Joe wrote 03/13/2017 at 03:50 point

Thanks, I think I fixed it.

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