
Checking Dimensions

A project log for Tron Identity Disc upgrade.1

Upgrade a Tron Identity Disc with: RPI Zero, WS2812b LEDs, Sound, Gyro/Accel, USB storage/networking/charging, Wi-Fi, haptic feedback...

dan-rogahnDan Rogahn 03/01/2017 at 07:070 Comments

Space inside the disc was roughly estimated by examining pictures and video, and similar projects.

LED: The RPI can drive WS2812b LEDs with DMA
This conflicts with PWM sound, but we have options:

WiFi: The RPI has support for a 2nd SD / SDIO port, and the ESP8266 has a SDIO bootloader mode.
The just released Pi Zero W (if/when you can get one) may make this redundant. But the ESP8266 may have future potential here as a scriptable WiFi/SPI/GPIO expander.

Battery: The "Custom-Tron-Disc-Mod" project above stated AA would not fit but AAA would.
But for this project, with more LEDs -- a LiPo can have a larger capacity (for more runtime and brighter lights), and fit more compactly (allowing more peripherals).
Early plans were to fit the battery in the battery area - possibly removing the screw for the USB jack.
But latest plans are to put the battery in the largest open area - to eliminate sharp corners that could puncture the LiPo.

Other technical hurdles:
