

Fingerprint recognition, comforting parents, knowing their child has arrived at their destination.

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This fall my daughter will be starting Kindergarten at a nearby public school. Having two working parents, she will be going to an afterschool program at the YMCA. In the back of my mind, I've always had that eerie feeling knowing that there will be a mid-day handoff of my little princess. What if something got weird during the chaos of all these little kids leaving school? What if... ? What if... ? ... it only takes once! It's easy for a protective parent to get their imagination running.

With fear comes project ideas.

My solution is a simple device that uses fingerprint recognition to check in with the parent. My device will be stationary at a destination (YMCA, after school program, etc.), identify the child, and through a Wi-Fi internet connection notify, their parent that their child has arrived or leaves the premises.

The future of parenting is knowing your child is SAFE every second of their life.

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Steve DeLuca wrote 08/21/2014 at 05:19 point
That's a great idea, but I would make it easy to move from shoe to shoe. As you know, kids grow out of shoes over night. If you could fit the device in the insole, that would be perfect.

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jlbrian7 wrote 07/23/2014 at 22:26 point
My 2yr. old has shoes with squeekers in the heels and every where we go people think they are great, and from a parenting point of view they are great. When we are at the playground or in a store I can let her go a little ways and still know where she is. If the squeeking stops at the store I know to go check it out before stuff starts getting pulled off of the shelf.

These things gave me the idea of putting gps in the heels of their shoes. I have an ongoing internal debate with the thought of putting a lojack on my kids though.

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