

A project log for 0x05ECure - Cryptography over BLE

A bluetooth le security dongle or SPI component. Holds the private keys away from the computer and does the hard parts of PKI for you.

david-preeceDavid Preece 08/09/2014 at 21:321 Comment

Because it's not all fun and games, this week I got kinda stuck doing an explainer video (which, hopefully, is now somewhere up there ^ on this page). I used this software called videoscribe which is the oddest thing ever... It's a genius piece of requirements capture and 'paring back' the options to make a great user experience - which is then totally ruined by (I think) Adobe air. It's slow; saves and loads very unreliably; and all the keys are wrong - undo is not cmd+z, for instance.

So, a sh!tty update but then I didn't get to play around with wires and stuff this week. Mind you, it's only Sunday morning ... wonder if I can sneak some in :)


David Preece wrote 08/11/2014 at 19:54 point
Oh damn, maybe not. Go have a look:

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