
Firmware success

A project log for Orthrus

SD card secure RAID USB storage

nick-sayerNick Sayer 10/04/2017 at 14:220 Comments

I got Orthrus v3 hardware working all the way as a disk drive last night. There are a few bugs in Start's code that you have to work around:

There are still a couple of bugs to work out - mostly centered around the handling of situations where cards are removed or missing.

Performance is not as good as hoped. Throughput is around 540 MB/sec. Halving the SD card clock doesn't appreciably change throughput, so this may be being limited by USB. But even at only ~5 times faster than before, it's now actually usable as opposed to unacceptable.

Another couple of days to polish the firmware, and I think I'll be able to send some units off to the HP judges!
