
Maker Faire Bay Area - May, 2017

A project log for TerraPreta

Continuous Pyrolysis Biochar Production Reducing waste and returning nutrients to the soil

ricardo-martinezRicardo Martinez 06/02/2017 at 02:050 Comments

It was an inspiriting experience to be in the Maker Faire Bay Area, in San Mateo, California, and to see too much people trying to make something different that would be useful in our times, and improving what already exist to enjoy a better world.

In the event we had the opportunity to meet sellers of the Particle Electron 3G Cellular Development Kits, and we took the advantage to start figuring out how to apply the use of this product to our prototype, sending us updates of the process of our prototype in real time to our cellphones, and it is something that we are going to be introducing you with more details in the following logs.

And of course, we took the opportunity to sigh seen part of San Francisco, its culture and the famous Golden Gate.
