
Eletronics, too much features and downscaling

A project log for Brightenmacher

A biodegradable flashlight, build with recycled laptop batteries that you can repair yourself.

peter-frhlichPeter Fröhlich 04/07/2017 at 14:500 Comments

As with every project, more and more features kept creeping in, battery gauges, OLED screens and big processors were thrown at it, until it was near collapse.

My first draft used a ATTiny85 and just the bare minimum, in the end there was a ATMega32U4 with build in USB, a OLED display, a battery gauge, multiple status LEDs, a rotary encoder and I2C temperature sensors.

The only feature that i regret axing is the USB bootloader but i could not settle on a simple way to make this possible,

From here everything had to be scaled way back, here are a few pictures of one of the later electronics prototypes that never were build:
