
Building a proof of concept

A project log for Brightenmacher

A biodegradable flashlight, build with recycled laptop batteries that you can repair yourself.

peter-frhlichPeter Fröhlich 04/07/2017 at 14:570 Comments

Until this point i had no idea if the boost regulator would even work with the LED, a proof of concept had to be build with a Ebay special charge controller and protection board.

At this point the whole project used WS2803 status LEDs but these had to be removed due to firmware size concerns.

I could have replaced the ATTiny44 with a ATTiny84 but i did not want to buy new parts, i kind of regret this decision but at this point i was dead set on keeping it simple and getting the whole thing to work.


Here are a few pictures of the first electronics build:
