
Design Considerations

A project log for RoadRunner - Powered Running Stroller

Mobility for families to enable active lifestyles

andrew-clinkAndrew Clink 04/26/2017 at 00:460 Comments

What are we trying to do here?

When designing anything, the first step is always to define the problem. For us crazies who love running, this means we want to be able to run even though we have kid(s) to watch and even though they're heavy, or it's windy, or today was supposed to be a recovery day, or training plans don't happen to mention "tempo pace as a family."

But we could technically satisfy that problem by taking the kids to the park and running around a tiny loop within line-of-site, or any other number of creative but less-than-realistic ideas. So let's put some numbers on it. Each of these will get a discussion in a future post.

We need to be able to:

So there we have it; let's solve that problem.
