
RC Rover Self Leveling Suspension

Used Arduino, 4 servos and 2 inclinometers to make a rover self-leveling. Why - why not?

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I made an rc controlled 4 wheel/motor rover that I wanted to be self leveling and so used 4 servos to raise and lower the wheels and 2 inclinometer sensors (VTI SCA60T) to tell it when to do it. The algorithm is very simple in that it just checks the sensors to find the lowest wheel, then if it can raise the opposite wheel any it will do that first, then it lowers the lowest wheel until it self levels the chassis as much as possible. I just cycle constantly through each of the wheels and it works pretty well for such a simple process.
What is the purpose: well it looks pretty cool when it is doing it, it probably is less prone to falling over on a slope and I wanted to test my algorithm.
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  • 1
    Step 1

    #include <Servo.h>

    Servo myservo1,myservo2, myservo3,myservo4; // create servo object to control a servo

    int potpin = 0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer

    int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin

    int gyroPin = 3; //tiltmeter VTI SCA610 inclinometer chip (accelerometer)

    int gyroPin2 = 5; //tiltmeter VTI SCA610 inclinometer chip (accelerometer)

    int fRServo,fLServo,rRServo,rLServo;

    int frontTilt;

    int sideTilt;

    int lowBoy = 1;


    // this routine controls the speed of the servo


    void myServo(int newAngle,int angleInc,int incDelay,int servoNum) {

    int curAngle;

    if (servoNum== 1) { curAngle =; }

    if (servoNum== 2) { curAngle =; }

    if (servoNum== 3) { curAngle =; }

    if (servoNum== 4) { curAngle =; }

    if (curAngle < newAngle) {

    for(int angle=curAngle;angle < newAngle;angle += angleInc) {

    if (servoNum == 1) myservo1.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 2) myservo2.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 3) myservo3.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 4) myservo4.write(angle);

    delay(incDelay); }


    else if (curAngle > newAngle) {

    for(int angle=curAngle;angle > newAngle;angle -= angleInc) {

    if (servoNum == 1) myservo1.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 2) myservo2.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 3) myservo3.write(angle);

    if (servoNum == 4) myservo4.write(angle);

    delay(incDelay); }



    int readTilt() {

    int gyroVal = analogRead(gyroPin);

    gyroVal = map(gyroVal, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)


    Serial.print(" front : ");Serial.println(gyroVal);


    } // end readTilt()

    int readTilt2() { // sideTilt

    int gyroVal2 = analogRead(gyroPin2);

    gyroVal2 = map(gyroVal2, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)


    Serial.print(" side : ");Serial.println(gyroVal2);


    } // end readTilt()

    void setup()




    myservo1.attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object


    delay(500); // waits for the servo to get there

    myservo2.attach(5); // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object

    myservo2.write(90); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

    myservo3.attach(7); // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object

    myservo3.write(90); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

    myservo4.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object

    myservo4.write(90); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

    delay(500); // waits for the servo to get there

    delay(1000); // waits for the servo to get there

    if (lowBoy) { fRServo = 90; fLServo = 90; rRServo = 90; rLServo = 90;

    myServo(0,1,5,1);myServo(0,1,5,2);myServo(0,1,5,3);myServo(0,1,5,4); delay(5000);}

    else { fRServo = 10; fLServo = 10; rRServo = 10; rLServo = 10;}


    // wheel servo order: right front is 1

    // left front is 2

    // left rear is 3

    // right rear is 4



    void loop() {

    frontTilt = readTilt();

    sideTilt = readTilt2();

    if (frontTilt > 85 && sideTilt < 90) {

    // front right is lowest point

    if ( rLServo < 110) { // lower opposite wheelheight

    rLServo = rLServo + 2;



    if ( rLServo >= 110 && fLServo > 0) { // raise downward wheel

    fRServo = fRServo - 2;

    myServo(fRServo,1,5,1); }


    if (frontTilt < 85 && sideTilt > 90) {

    // rear left is lowest point

    //Serial.print(" fRServo : ");Serial.println(fRServo);

    if ( fRServo < 110) { // lower opposite wheel height

    fRServo = fRServo + 2;



    if ( rLServo >= 0 && fRServo >= 110) { // raise downward wheel height

    rLServo = rLServo - 2;

    myServo(rLServo,1,5,3); }


    if (frontTilt > 85 && sideTilt > 90) {

    // front left is lowest point

    if ( rRServo < 110) { // lower opposite wheel

    rRServo = rRServo + 2;



    if ( rRServo >= 110 && fRServo > 0) { // raise downward wheel height

    fLServo = fLServo - 2;

    myServo(fLServo,1,5,2); }


    if (frontTilt < 85 && sideTilt < 90) {

    // rear right is lowest point

    //Serial.print(" fRServo : ");Serial.println(fRServo);

    if ( fLServo < 110) { // lower opposite wheel

    fLServo = fLServo + 2;



    if ( rRServo >= 0 && fLServo >= 110) { // raise downward wheel height

    rRServo = rRServo - 2;

    myServo(rRServo,1,5,4); }


    // exit(0); //pause program - hit reset to continue


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