
A Working Display

A project log for Z80 Computer

Yet another Z80 computer.

james-otsJames Ots 05/15/2017 at 18:030 Comments

I have a working display. It was surprisingly straightforward — in the CPLD I just make sure that the E is held low for two clock cycles, followed by being high for four, all while WAIT is low. This is at 8MHz.

The screen says 'Booted... A>', which makes it look like it's booted up into some kind of OS, but in reality all my Z80 programme does at this point is display characters which it receives from the PC via the FT245R.

Well, I say that's all it does. I got a little carried away, and so there are a few escape sequences too, such as ESC-E to clear the screen, ESC-H to home the cursor, Ctrl-G rings the bell.

Next: The SD Card.
