
A long time ago...

A project log for Internet Of V-Plotters

Who wouldn´t want to paint a canvas just pressing the screen of a smartphone?

lukasgdanietzlukasgdanietz 07/11/2017 at 14:320 Comments

Well it has been a long time ago since the first and last post... I usually dont document my progress over something (even if it is a great idea, i know). I jst write my thoughts on a sheet of paper, and try to put them in practice. The thing is... i already ended my degree and got a 9 in this proyect, which is quite nice... But it is still far from finished

At the begining the idea was to make a vertical plotter that could connect via WiFi, using Telnet (in this case, but there is a good reason for that: Pronterface can use Telnet) or another comunication protocol. But after building the board, and programing it for a vertical plotter i realised... it could just work for any plotter anyone wants...

The idea of conecting the esp8266 (ESP12E, in my case) with a 74HC595 to the servo and to the Polulu stepper Motor drivers came from here (hackaday). Someone had the idea to make a 3dprinter with a esp8266. I dont know why they stoped doing it... They had proveed that it could be done....

Anyway. This proyect has becomed INTERNET OF PLOTTERS. Still a silly idea. But i cant see anyone anywhere trying to do it.

I will upload the arduino for the esp12e (nodemcu code) and the kicad files, here to hackaday... I have to say... it works. But it has too many flaws (for example: diagonal movements are not calculated right(still dont know why)). I stoped working a month ago in the proyect (I have a lot of things to do), but i will continue. Everything is explained inside... for anyone that wants to give it a shot. But it is in spanish (sorry..., when it is ended and i have tested it, i will put everything in github, in english)
