
Dover Mini Maker Faire in less than 2 weeks

A project log for Quamera Gen 2

Stereoscopic machine vision with integrated depth information

mark-mullinMark Mullin 08/15/2017 at 11:571 Comment

Only a moment for a quick update, but things have been progressing nicely - the Quamera is going out in public on August 26th at the Dover Mini Maker Faire - if you've the interest and are in range of the NH seacoast, I would enjoy meeting you.

OK, the robot mast is done and operational - you can see it on the right side of this picture, the tall metal stick

Here's the control panel for the mast and power distribution close up - can't be taking bare wires out in public :-)

And this sad stack is the three camera rings - I've just perched them on top of each other, first time I've had the physical sense of their volume - when I started I thought the prototype would be the biggest version of the camera, now with the next one clocking in at 36 CPUs, I'm realizing it's the smallest by far .  You can also see part of the mast at the right with the camera armature at the bottom (thats the part that goes up and down, the whole mast rotates)

I must admit, when I took this picture, I immediately thought of this.....


Mark Mullin wrote 08/15/2017 at 12:02 point

And if you want to see a pictorial history of this entire mad project, go here  -

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