
iPhone and iPad support

A project log for BlueBasic: BASIC for Bluetooth

Embedded BASIC interpreter for CC2540 and CC2541 Bluetooth LE modules

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 10/06/2014 at 08:151 Comment

Just uploaded an iOS (iPhone and iPad) version of the Console program to Github. They're part of the same xcode project, but a different target. Of course, unlike the OSX version, you cannot side load this one onto your device so I will have to get a version submitted to the AppStore soon (later this week probably).

I realize that a WIndows version would be more welcome, and that remains on the list, but adapting the OSX version for iPad/iPhone was a quick way to reach a few more devices.

Now ... if only my icons didn't suck.


Tim Wilkinson wrote 10/07/2014 at 05:36 point
And naturally, because I'm writing Swift code and using XCode 6.1, I cannot actually submit the code to the AppStore until the release of OSX 10.10. Sigh.

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