
Prototype Breadboard

A project log for Tennis Court Status Updater

Tennis court staff flip a switch on a small box and an update is posted to a web page for players to check before they call or leave home.

don-gettnerDon Gettner 08/14/2014 at 21:440 Comments

Made a prototype breadboard today. It is essentially two of the sample projects from the Sparkfun Tutorials on Electric Imp mashed together (Example 2 & 3).

Here is the breadboard:

Here is the schematic

When S1 is closed then LED1 will be set to 'Green' and a status update will be sent to the server to be posted on a web page saying the tennis courts are open. If it starts raining then the staff will flip the S1 switch to open, the LED1 will be set to 'Red' and a status update will be sent to the server.

I have ordered parts for the engineering prototype, which primarily are two tennis ball lights, one of which I hope I can make work for this project. The rest of the parts I have here hiding in old projects.

Next I will get the software working, which shouldn't be bad since like the hardware will be based on existing working examples (I know, famous last words).
