
Summary of previous work

A project log for Simulation Source Measurement Unit

Combine core elements of lab equipment into one platform. Goal is to cover the topics present in an ECE101 classroom and lab.

bunneydudeBunneyDude 08/16/2014 at 06:270 Comments

I started kicking around the idea behind the SSMU roughly a year ago. In February threw a MSP430 and Intel Galileo board together for a simple proof of concept. At the time I was focused on getting the software on the Galileo and desktop working. 

I was pretty happy with the result - the Java program was able to send a ngspice file to Galileo, request a simulation, trigger a series of ADC conversion from the MSP430, and plot the results side-by-side.

After helping teach an introduction to electronics workshop for the public a few months later, I decided to revisit the SSMU project. I relaxed some of my initial constraints (e.g. through hole components) and focused on integrating more features.

Currently the analog side of the schematic is mostly planned out. I've made initial choices for the current source and current sense blocks and will be finalizing the Bode blocks next.
