
Logisim video of computer running test programs

A project log for JACA 1 & 2 Homebrew Computer

JACA - Just Another CPU Again Homebrew CPU, starting by a simple POC 4-bit CPU on circuit simulator soft. (done), then 8-bit (in progress)

andre-baptistaAndre Baptista 05/12/2018 at 23:010 Comments

Apart from the extreme frustration because of the bad connections on breadboards, I did something I was postponing for a long time: a small video showing the computer working in Logisim simulator, doing things like write in the LCD display (the ubiquotous Hello World...), playing with leds on the LED 8x8 Matrix, and even assembling (in the Assembler made by me) a simple Tetris clone and running it.


Thanks for reading.
