

A project log for 6DOF Robotic arm

Smart servo based robot arm

dannyvandenheuveldannyvandenheuvel 07/31/2017 at 21:295 Comments

I did some more improvements on the base.
Added a magnetic angle sensor and a fan for cooling (hint from Olaf, thanks!)
Changed some little things on the structure.

Inner structure of the base, if you watch carefully you can see servo,magnetic angle encoder and the fan inside :-)

This is the final drawing of the base (I hope so), just have to print it and test before it goes online.


Olaf Baeyens wrote 08/02/2017 at 21:30 point

That ventilator is really a MUST for the real Thor project so the complete project would benefit from it. 

The Thor base may not fit a 40x40 mm ventilator but a 30x30 mm does work but is more noise than the 40x40.

If you design something in the future, can you make sure that when it gets relative big in size that you use rounded corners? I think I never have issues with warping ABS plastic when I have circular objects. The issue always start at the corner.

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dannyvandenheuvel wrote 08/02/2017 at 06:33 point

That's the benefit of servo motors, the driver is inside the motor so pololu won't be producing heat!, I only have to cool down the motors. I don't use any stepper motor in this robot. And can't go with air in the upper room, it's completly sealed by the slipring. Thanks for the comment anyway, like the feedback, makes me think twice :-)

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Olaf Baeyens wrote 08/02/2017 at 20:22 point

The 40x40 mm fan is a good choice. used a 30x30 mm and they are a lot more noisy. When I drilled the opening.

This Thor base is still a Thor base? Because I may reprint this one instead which has a more professional looking fan opening :-)  The one I drilled a hole in afterwards is not that nice.

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dannyvandenheuvel wrote 08/02/2017 at 21:18 point

This is almost a thor base but smaller, 3/4 scaled from the original thor+, if you will have it for thor+ I will modify one for you :-)

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Olaf Baeyens wrote 08/01/2017 at 21:06 point

You may not need those "out" ventilation holes if the mid section is open. That way it forces the air upwards cooling components higher too.  But your slip ring may block that inner opening. You have this polu servo driver in the upper part that may also need cooling I assume.

Maybe venting holes that forces the air to the upper part in the base and outwards so the air blows onto the side stepper motor?

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