
NodeMCU challenges

A project log for Nixie Tap

Minimal USB powered Nixie display and IoT button

mladenmladen 09/21/2017 at 21:270 Comments

NodeMCU is an impressive development platform. However, I encountered some limitations while using it for this project. This is a short writeup about these limitations (to be updated).

Encountered issueSolution
Pin numbers on NodeMCU PCB don't match ESP8266 pinsIgnore PCB pin numbers. Always refer to ESP8266 pin numbers. Make a schematic symbol which labels the pins as ESP GPIO.
GPIO0, GPIO2 and GPIO15 require extra care Use these pins as outputs. They also have pulldowns/pullups, so extra care is required. See here
MOSI, MISO, SCLK signals not workingUse HMOSI, HMISO, HSCLK
PWM only goes to 1 kHzno real solution, use ESP32 if this is too low
USB protection diode gets hot at higher currentsPossibly a fake diode. To be investigated. Replace with a well-known brand
