
3/1/18 Update (Technically)

A project log for Ukebot

A robot that can play the Ukulele

claraClara 03/13/2018 at 15:170 Comments

Over the past couple weeks, I have begun manufacturing some prototypes for my project. I've printed both braces for the instrument's neck, and have ensured that the sizing/spacing of some of the parts of the board are correct. I've further edited my CAD files in accordance with what I found from the prototypes. In the next week or so I plan to make more prototypes to ensure that the spacing of the upper panel is appropriate, which is one of my largest concerns right now, as the fit with the linear rails appears that it will be a little tight. Following that, I will make final edits to my cad files, construct the proper sized springs, and finish printing/cutting everything. Hopefully, I will be finished with the construction of my project by mid/beginning of April.
